We believe that group coaching is the best form, as it is better for us to be able to help and serve more people while still being able to leverage our time, just as we teach you.
And that it is better for you, because if designed properly as our programs are, you will still get all the information and knowledge you need, but you also learn an invaluable amount from the other group members around you as they share stories, questions and so on. Plus you gain additional friends, networks and support.
Great question! Let's break it down into 3 parts:
We offer a 30 day refund policy.
If at any point you feel it isn't the right fit, please notify us as soon as possible. If at any point we feel it isn't the right fit, we will notify you as soon as is practically possible.
If you notify us, or we notify you within your first 30 days: As per our 30 day refund policy, we'll issue a full refund of what you paid (whether that is a monthly, annual or lifetime payment), after deducting any costs we incurred up until that point, such as merchant fees, etc, which will all be clearly explained to you.
If you notify us, or we notify you after your first 30 days and:
- You're paying monthly; then we will cancel your next monthly payment and you will continue to have access to our program/s for the remainder of the current month. You will lose access on the date in which your next monthly payment would have been.
- You're paying annually; then we will cancel your next annual payment. You will continue to have access for the remaining current month in which you chose to cancel. You will receive a refund for the remaining full, unused months of your annual plan, calculated from the following month, after deducting and costs we incurred up until that point, such as merchant fees, etc, which will all be clearly explained to you. For example, you start on 15th of January and pay an annual plan. On the 1st of April you decide you no longer wish to continue. You will receive a refund for 9 months of your annual plan, after deducting any costs we incurred up until that point, such as merchant fees, etc, which will all be clearly explained to you. You will continue to have access to our program/s for the remainder of the current month (up to and inclusive of the 14th of April). You will lose access on the date in which the next month would start (in this case, you will lose access on the 15th of April).
- You paid for lifetime access; if notification is made within 12 months from the date in which you started, then you will continue having access for the remainder of the first year of access (if the program is still being run - see below), and will receive a refund of 50% of what you paid, after deducting any costs we incurred up until that point, such as merchant fees, etc, which will all be clearly explained to you.
Please be aware:
- All dates are calculated based on the date in which you started your membership for the specific subscription you are cancelling, not calendar months.
- If you're owed a refund, then all refunds will be processed on our end within 30 days (does not take into account how long it takes for your bank or card provider to process the refund).
- Prices of our programs are regularly increased to meet inflation, comparable industry rates, etc. If you leave our programs, then decide to return later, you will no longer be eligible for the price you previously had. You will have to pay the new price at the time of attempting to rejoin. If you cancel but change your mind and decide you wish to continue, you have until the date that the next monthly payment would have been, or until we process your refund to notify us. If you do not, your cancellation will be final and then you will have to sign up as a new client on the price structure current at that time.
- If you break our community rules or terms of service, we reserve the right to remove your access to our community and products immediately. You will still not receive a refund for any unused portion of the current month. Your refund, if any, will still be calculated as explained above.
- Lifetime access means you receive access to that product for the entire lifetime in which we offer it. There is no specific time frame implied, it could be months, years or decades from the date you sign up, or more or less than these time frames. If we cease providing the product or program within 12 months of when you signed up, you will need to notify us and then, as explained above, we will refund you 50% of what you paid, after deducting any costs we incurred up until that point, such as merchant fees, etc, which will all be clearly explained to you. If the program ceases a significantly shorter period than 12 months, for example within the first couple months of you signing up, then again notify us, and while we make no guarantees, we will attempt to make you more whole than 50% of what you paid, either by refunding a larger percent, or by offering free access or discounts to additional products or services, all of which will be at our discretion. If the product/program delivery ceases more than 12 months after the date in which you signed up, no refund will be given.
- All refund policies are final, whether you accessed/used the material or not. This is because our programs are delivered via digital means, and thus you have access to them at all times, and it is your choice whether you were using what you bought or not. If we provided access to you, then you received the product/service.
- Upon leaving our programs, you will be expected to return all materials/tools/content you were given.
- If you are a part of a program that includes live events, please be aware these live events are given as free bonuses in our programs. Whether you attend live events or not, has no bearing on your refund. It was a free bonus that you decided to either exercise, or not exercise. The only exception to this is where the product or service was a standalone live event in which you paid for, then the refund policy for that event will apply.